Our goal is simple: Nothing but total confidence with every club in your bag. Confidence that your clubs will perform exactly as expected and that you can execute every shot needed to lower your scores.
Our experienced PGA Professionals will take you through a step by step process, whether you are looking for one club or a full bag. Firstly, we get data from your current equipment and begin highlighting any areas where gains can be made – areas such as spin rates, height, club face control and of course, distance. We get a benchmark of the results your current equipment is producing.
From here, we begin pairing club head and shaft combinations to deliver optimum results. We have hundreds of shaft options, all with different profiles in terms of weight, bend and launch characteristics. We match these to your swing characteristics to deliver optimum results – not solely focused on distance gains but on strong ball flight, increased carry, controllable spin rates and better dispersion and control.
We find the perfect length and lie angle combination to produce the most consistent, centred strikes on the club face and increased ball speeds.
Grip size and material is taken into account – something as simple as a thicker grip can straight away give a player more control and comfort on every shot.
Our fittings are conducted using the Titleist RCT (Radar Capture Technology) a ball designed specifically for Trackman Radar Units to enhance the fitting experience.
Once the custom fitted equipment has arrived, we then invite the customer back in to retest – this ensures the clubs are producing the gains required. This also gives our customers a great chance to get accurate carry and total distances for their new equipment.